FreeBMDFreeBMD Access to Syndicate Members Files.

This page describes the process to be followed by Syndicate co-ordinators who require access to their members (i.e Transcribers/Volunteers) files.


Syndicate co-ordinators may require access to their members files to:
  1. Change file names.
  2. Change header details, particularly where incorrect event or quarter/year has been entered.
  3. Correct error in records within the file
In general, any corrections SHOULD be routed via the transcriber. However it is accepted that some transcribers are no longer active, where inactive has the following definitions:
  1. The transcriber has made a positive statement that they are no longer involved in the project.
  2. The transcriber is not contactable and has not been contactable for some time
  3. The transcriber has unfortunately died.

Process to be Followed:

Where a transcriber is inactive and a Syndicate co-ordinator requires access to their file(s) to carry out appropriate amendments, the co-ordinator should follow the steps below.
  1. Make a request via [email protected] to have transcriber's SubmitterID marked as NotActive.

    The co-ordinator should supply details of the transcriber's name and SubmitterID together with a very brief confirmation that efforts have been made to contact the transcriber, together with the date of the last contact (where known). If the transcriber is a member of more than one syndicate the other coordinators will be notified.

    In order to avoid overburdening the system, co-ordinators should ONLY request SubmitterIDs to be transferred when they actually need to access them.

  2. [email protected] may also attempt to make contact with the transcriber, before agreeing to marking the SubmitterID as NotActive.

  3. As soon as the verification in 2. above has been carried out the transcriber has been marked as NotActive and coordinators can access their files using a coordinator login which uses a userid of <transcriberid>:<coordinatorid> and the password of the coordinator, e.g "tranny:coord". The co-ordinator will be advised when this has been completed.

  4. In the unlikely event that a transcriber becomes active after transfer of their SubmitterID to the co-ordinator [email protected] will liaise with both parties to agree to mark the transcriber as Active.

  5. The aim is to turn-round requests from co-ordinators within seven days although at busy periods it may not always be possible to meet this target.

  6. If the request is due to the death of the volunteer, the following additional action should be taken by the Co-ordinator:

    This is a very sensitive issue and the feelings of the family of the deceased are of paramount importance. This action gives credit to the volunteer for his/her past contribution to FreeBMD. It would also identify to anyone involved in FreeBMD administration the situation regarding the individual and prevent distress to the volunteer's relatives by inadvertently sending any routine FreeBMD emails to them.

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