FreeBMDFreeBMD Transcription Software and Add-ons


WinBMD has been written by Ian Brooke and offers a number of facilities to aid the transcribing of FreeBMD records on Windows machines, including WinBMD is available from the WinBMD download page.

Problems should be reported to Contact.


This program helps with the process of verifying completed WinBMD entries against the orginal scan. This Windows program is written by David Lang and is available (including previous versions) from here.


Transcription software for Windows, Mac and Linux users. The name FreeComETT reflects its design as a Community Entry Transcription Tool. No software installation is required. It is an online transcribing tool which uses the web browser already installed on your computer. This version was developed by Hilary Wright with help from FreeBMD transcribers. FreeComETT may be accessed from

It connects directly to images on the FreeBMD file servers and offers a number of facilities to aid the transcribing and verifying (checking) of FreeBMD records, including

Once you are logged in to FreeComETT with FreeBMD submitter ID and password, the ‘Help’ link gives access to instructions/help and district information. This may also be accessed direct from


MacBMD-X is a program for Mac users that aids transcribing FreeBMD records and was developed by a team headed by Peter Adams. FreeBMD are very grateful for their contribution.

Please see the user manual for information on installation and use of MacBMD-X (the user manual requires a method to display PDF, e.g. Adobe Acrobat Reader). Some Syndicate Coordinators may have a specific manual for their syndicate or special instructions for certain aspects of transcribing.

The latest version of MacBMD-X (1.0.9) can be downloaded from here. There are currently no plans to support future development.

Transcribing records for years 1984 onwards can be problematic as transcriptions are for a whole year rather than split into quarters, also the number of fields for each record have increased compared to 1983 and earlier years. Even after 1984 there were further increases in the number of fields for each entry.. Volunteers proposing to transcribe post 1983 years using MacBMD should seek the guidance of their Syndicate Coordinator.

As an alternative Mac users could try FreeComETT our online transcribing tool which can be used from any device with internet access.

Any problems with this version should be reported to Contact

IrfanView Image Viewer for Windows

A very easy to use and useful image viewer is available free from any one of these sites. If one is not available or slow to access at least one of the others should be available.


SpeedBMD is no longer used for transcribing and is included here for historical purposes as many thousands of files were transcribed using this program in the early days of FreeBMD and still exist in the FreeBMD database.

SpeedBMD ran under Microsoft DOS and was designed to help FreeBMD transcribers increase their transcription rate and improve their accuracy. SpeedBMD was replaced by WinBMD as the preferred transcribing software under Windows.

SpeedBMD was developed by by a team headed by Peter Cox. FreeBMD are very grateful for their contribution.

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