FreeBMDFreeBMD Suspect files

The following files have failed one or more checks on the file designed to identify possible problems in transcriptions. The particular check is given beside each file. However, these checks are based on average or normal attributes of a transcription, therefore if your file is listed here and you believe it is a correct transcription (i.e. compliant with FreeBMD rules) or you do not understand the issue please mail Contact Quality Assurance Coordinator with details. Otherwise, would you either change the filename and/or the contents. This can be done by going to File Maintenance and using Rename, Replace or View/Edit. If your syndicate has specific rules about filenames and/or changing files you should discuss any change with your coordinator first. An explanation of the problems is at the bottom of the page.

To view a file click on the user/filename with the mouse (or other pointing device) whilst holding down the shift key (shift+click), ctrl+click to attempt to find the scan and shift+ctrl+click to predict year/event/quarter from volume/page values in the file.

Links to files for particular syndicates can be found here.

This list was created on 19/02/2025 at 03:00:00. It is produced approximately weekly but some problems are only evaluated at the database update (the problems concerned are identified in Explanation of problems).


Explanation of problems

Surname in given nameThere is a comma in the surname which may be a mistranscribedfullstop.
Ian Brooke DMS/1993BI0046
Red Rose paulh/1994BD0129, SkyBlue25/1885B3H0228

Distribution of Page Sizes

Entries per page   Number of occurrences
<50 4264564
<100 125477
<150 521851
<200 703618
<250 14949
<300 149
<350 288
>=350 393402

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