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Welcome to the FreeBMD Signup process.

In order to transcribe for the FreeBMD project you need to join a Syndicate. A Syndicate is a group of people, led by one or more coordinators, who are transcribing a range of records for the FreeBMD project.The coordinator will help you in getting started transcribing for the project.

Click on the link below to start the signup process, you will be shown a list of Syndicates that are currently looking for volunteers. You should send an email to the first one on the list requesting to join their Syndicate. They should then guide you through the process from there onwards.

Volunteers will need Internet access to upload their entered data to FreeBMD and possibly to download transcribing aid programs and scans of the Index from the FreeBMD site. Volunteers who wish to transcribe during their free time at their place of employment should take into account that most companies do not allow their employees access to download programs or upload files to the Internet.

Further details about transcribing for FreeBMD can be found on our useful Seven Steps to Contribute page.

Thank you for volunteering to join the FreeBMD project.

Please click here to start the FreeBMD transcriber signup process.

Perhaps, however you don't have the time to help transcribe, but could help in some other way:

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