FreeBMDFreeBMD Programming Environment

We use entirely open source software for the programming and running of FreeBMD. Here is a (possibly not comprehensive list):
The operating system for all our servers.
The webserver.
Load balancing for the server cluster.
The database.
Used for all app code and supporting scripts. Although we quite like C++, we chose to use Perl instead as it is much easier for volunteers to get to grips with and is a very powerful tool for mangling data around (which we obviously do a good deal of). If volunteers want to use a different language, that's OK with us, so long as we can run it, of course. We run Perl both as CGI scripts and under mod_perl.
Various CPAN modules
CPAN has many useful Perl modules. We use some of them.
The version control system we use for all the source code and web pages. Anyone wanting to help really must use this. A zipped file containing the correct versions of CVS and SSH to run on Windows for use on the project can be downloaded here (, and there is also a page of instructions on how to install and run them.
Remote access.
Other UKGEN projects make use of additional software available on the same servers:
Some apps are based on Ruby on Rails running under Passenger.
A document oriented database.

If you reckon you can do useful stuff in the environment outlined above, and want to help, drop Ben a line.

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